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WSQ Apply 5S Techniques (WSQ COS Module 1)

Course Duration
16 hours (Incl. 2 assessment hours) (2 days)

Course Fees
S$327.00/- per participant (Incl GST)

For SDF or Skillsfuture credit subsidy, please download and use the forms above instead of the online form to register.

Course Medium: English

Other Modules:
Module 2 – WSQ Apply Quality System
Module 3 – WSQ Apply Teamwork in the Workplace
Module 4 – WSQ Apply WSH Policy

WSQ Certified Operations Specialist (All 4 Modules) – S$1280/- (GST inclusive)

Venue: Main Office (Bendemeer)
20 Bendemeer Road, #04-06 BS Bendemeer Centre, Singapore 339914

More Information
Course code: CRS-Q-0025417-MF
TPGateway Course Code: TGS-2014500500 (Only applicable for self-sponsored Trainee to submit SkillsFuture Credit)

Certification: Statement of Attainment (SOA) by Workforce Development Agency (WDA)

Course Overview
The WSQ course for operational level workers will help workers in the manufacturing industry gain knowledge and skills in planning and carrying out their daily work to meet quality system requirements as well as improve their work standards.

The mode of assessment for this unit may include work activity/assignment and written/oral tests.

1. WSQ Apply 5S Techniques (Module 1) – The 5S techniques comprises of the following:

SEIRI – Clear unnecessary items from the work area
SEITON – Organize work area in an orderly manner
SEISO – Clean work area
SEIKETSU – Maintain work area cleanliness
SHITSUKE – Maintain self-discipline in the work area

Target Industries
Metalworking, Manufacturing, Marine, Construction, Process, Oil and Gas, Plastic and Wafer Fabrication industries.

Statement Of Achievement (SOA)
An SOA will be given when participants successfully complete this module. When he/she finishes all four modules, he/she will be awarded the “Certified Operations Specialist” certificate.

CET Qualification Award (CQA)
Singaporeans who successfully complete and are awarded a WSQ certificate for the first time will be eligible for a CQA of S$200.

Please refer to WDA’s link to find out more.

No Entry Requirements.

Weekday Class

Day 1 – 2 : 08:30:00 – 17:30:00

No Schedules Available

Proceed to Register(Step 2)
Attendee Category

Important Note:
1. [Company Sponsored]: Company shall ensure there is employer-employee relationship and CPF contribution for employer-sponsored trainees. Should SDF grant disbursement be rejected due to wrong company / UEN provided to Avanta, the company shall be liable to pay the full course fees with out grant.
2. Registration is valid only if, each participant Mobile Number & Email address is provided (Shouldn't provide same contact details of Person in charge)

Company Details
Participant Details

Note: You can upload only two qualification details. And allowed maximum file size is 8 MB